The last month or so I've been back at work on my trilogy Andy Brighton and the Dragons of Wyrme. You can find the first two books on over here:------------------------------->
I wrote up the outline for the final book a good while back (probably shortly after finishing
book 2) but put off trying to actually write the 3rd book in earnest due to other activities and
distractions. What I usually do when writing my books is to come up with ideas for what would
make for an interesting story - then I come up with a basic outline - then when I'm pretty sure
that it looks workable I try to sit down and type out the book. So far this has worked out, though
it takes a long while to finish my books (a year or so I'd guess). Of course this lengthy amount
of time is considering that I have a full-time job to go to nearly everyday so I can only write in
my remaining spare time. Oh, for the freedom of not having to work & be able to write all day
long - I could get finished so much faster. But I don't wish to give excuses.
At any rate I believe that I've settled on a title for the final installment after much dilemma:
The Great Reconfiguring I think it will be called (pertaining to a plot point in the story).
So far I'm about halfway thru chapter 3 & making good progress. Today while at work at
my full-time job I had a sort of revelation about the instigators of the plot in the books and had
to write it down. It was something I had lightly touched on previously in books 1 & 2 but which
will become much more prominent. It's fundamentally the same idea as a self-fulfilling prophecy,
except in reverse (many times the fear of something happening might actually cause it to happen
due to the actions and/or reactions people might have to it - but in the case of my story the prophecy was a desirable outcome, therefore it coming true was not feared).