Work on my second book is progressing. So far I have the Prologue and chapter one totally finish-drafted (to a degree where they are 90% done-just needing finishing touches/editing to polish them off). I'm now working on chapter two. The second chapter I think will be one of the defining chapters of the book as it is where Andy Brighton will make a huge discovery=that there is a city of people on the dragon planet of Wyrme hidden under the illusion of the forest of Wyrmewood. And the people themselves are humans, albeit also different in that they can cast magical spells. Not only this, but Andy finds that he is actually one of them and able to manipulate enchantments as well. His learning of magic and becoming a powerful sorcerer will bode well for these people and the dragons in the time to come when the Icurnians, those who would want to invade Wyrme and assimilate it's people, finally arrive.
Anyway, hopefully when finished the book will be even better than book one (Wyrmewood and the Forsaken Orb) and I hope to find an agent to accept it for publishing with a major book publisher.
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