I was thinking the other day about different movies in which the people rode about in vehicles that drove themselves and/or could swap between manual & computer control. I'm talking about sci-fi movies mostly set in the future (one of my favorite genres) and vehicles not locked onto track systems or rails (like subway cars), but ones that could be told or programmed where to take you. It kinda seems like a trend in movies such as these to exhibit the kind of technology that would exist in this type of world. Years ago, say back in the 70s & earlier, future worlds in movies rarely displayed computer-controlled cars, probably because computers weren't as prevalent back then. But today computers run everything. So now it is pretty easy to imagine them taking the control away from us. Of course this would mean an immense overhaul of the urban infrastructure--something that few cities would be willing or able to do anytime soon. And as long as things stay relatively the same, and no major ground-breaking changes happen, it won't be coming to anywhere USA I'd imagine. However, if some radical changes were deemed necessary someplace or a rebuilding was needed in some large city (say post apocalypse for instance) then the development of a system like this I think might be prime for implementation. Until then I guess we can just keep developing and improving the technology for just such a world of tomorrow.
List of movies with self-driving cars: (I'll be updating this list)
Minority Report
The 6th Day
I Robot
Demolition Man
Equilibrium ?
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