I saw this while exploring Youtube videos: a way to speed up your PC. I think it's actually a way to free up fragmented memory after using an application on your PC, resulting in the machine running faster, but they say that it is supposed to work even though I've not really seen a noticeable improvement in speed myself. Perhaps I'm not using it correctly? I dunno. At any rate, here's what you do:
(disclaimer: I didn't create this, just passing the info along, so don't blame me for any problems it might create on your system. I've used it several times & noticed no problems and there are many websites that claim it does what it says it does, so I have no reason to believe otherwise. IE: use at your own risk)
* On the desktop open notepad
* Type in: mystring=(80000000)
* Save the file to the desktop with an appropriate name such as ram or FreeMemory or something like this, and use the extension .vbe. Also save it as an all files type of file instead of as a text file.
* When you do this you'd get something that looks like the following on the desktop:
* So then, when you need to free up system resources, double click this program icon & you may see improved speed on your PC.
Thanks for watching
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