Crazy Croatians

Monday, January 12, 2015

Birdman Is A Must See

   I watched this film a couple days ago and have to say that it was one of the most entertaining and captivating films I've seen in a long time if not ever. There are a number of reasons why it impressed me more than the usual movies I see.
*** possible spoiler alerts below ***
1; The actors were very believable, esp. Michael Keaton, who should get an Oscar nod for his performance (in fact I'd be surprised if this film did  not get several Oscar nominations)
2; The way it was shot - it seems like it was done in one long take, though obviously it wasn't, but shooting it this way kept me riveted to the screen in a way that almost no other movie has recently if ever.
3; The subliminal & hinted at context as well as the more direct action going on left you wondering if what you were watching was really happening or just the hallucinations of Michael Keaton's character. Most of the time my guess is that he was imagining it all, but there are clues throughout the film that suggest he really was some sort of superhuman birdman.
   I don't write recommendations for many films, mainly because 99.9% of films aren't worth doing so, but I would recommend this one. It had everything you would want from a great movie. Action, comedy, romance, drama, suspension of disbelief, it even made me cry towards the end. See it!

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