Crazy Croatians

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Braves As Of Sept 1st

  It's been a grueling season so far for Atlanta. As of today they are 51-83 & nearly the worst team in baseball (beaten out only by the Minnesota Twins who are 49-84). Next year they will get a new stadium to play in. I only hope they have a new team playing for them because much of their current team is not up to the task of getting us to the post season.
   Rumors are that Atlanta is working on this & maybe they are. Time will tell. If I can I plan on visiting the new stadium & grounds around it. I'm actually excited to see it. Progress is always necessary - you can't expect things to stay the same forever. In Birmingham, AL. where I live sits Rickwood Field, the oldest surviving professional baseball park built in 1910. Each year the local minor league team plays a throwback game there for nostalgia sake I guess. It wouldn't be practical to play there every game. So they play in Regions Field instead which was built in 2013.

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