Crazy Croatians

Thursday, August 14, 2014

My Tribute To Robin Williams

   It's impossible to sum up the life of Robin Williams. He gave us so much. For nearly fifty years he's entertained people the world over. The sheer quantity of material he's delivered, be it stand up comedy, movies, TV shows, what have you, is exceptional in scope, and at the same time rarely lacking in quality. Of course, there were the forgettable & regrettable moments to be sure-all entertainers stumble from time to time in life as well as in their careers. Though he always came back stronger than ever when he did.
   I've watched him my whole life from the very beginning on Happy Days where his character Mork became the star of a spin-off show itself. That's how good he was. Almost instantly he became a household name. A prolific actor on TV and especially in movies, he's come to be in my humble opinion one of most beloved persons I've ever known. There are other beloved people out there; Tom Hanks, Bill Murray, Jim Carrey, Lucille Ball, Betty White & Morgan Freeman are a few others I can think of that rise to the top of this short list.
   He wasn't just a comedian. Though he was terrific at comedy. He had a number of much more serious roles and dramatic roles in movies in which one wouldn't have initially thought to cast him. I have no idea why he was chosen for certain roles as they were far from the usual comedic persona we became accustomed to. Perhaps he wanted to stretch his acting muscles. Perhaps the director wanted Robin to fit the character's profile. Who knows. Whatever the case may have been he adjusted well to the challenges he faced.
   I've created a video tribute to the late great Robin Williams who died just three days ago. It is a collection of images from the web of all facets of his life be they TV, stand up and movies. I've tried to put them in chronological order, however, some may be a bit out of place here and there. I don't own any of the images, nor do I own the musical accompaniment (Elton John's Rocketman) which I felt was quite fitting. I hope you enjoy it. And rest in peace Robin.

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