Crazy Croatians

Friday, August 22, 2014

Voyager Fly-by of Neptune Moon

    Space - the final frontier. That was what was said at the beginning of every Star Trek episode. Though that show was fictional. However, we do explore space. We have space vessels out there right now. There are little robots on Mars and others even farther afield. One of the first, if not the first, was Voyager 1 launched in 1977(made famous by the movie Star Trek the Motion Picture in 1979 where it was called V'ger). 
    Voyager 1 has journeyed farther from earth than any other man-made object. It will reportedly cease functioning in the year 2025. Voyager 2 strangely enough was actually launched about 2 weeks prior to Voyager 1, however, its flight path and slower current speed have not allowed it to travel quite as far as its brethren. It is the only vessel to have passed near to Uranus and Neptune and in 1989 it snapped a series of pictures of Triton - one of Neptune's moons. These images were later processed and made into an animation of the fly-by.
Here is the result:

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