Crazy Croatians

Friday, October 28, 2011

Chapter Three is in the Books, so to speak

I've pretty much finished chapter three of book 2 this morning. I'd been wondering yesterday how far along I was with my first book by this time of the year, and in checking I found that I was already done with chapter 12 by the end of October, 2010. I finished it back in April, 2011. I figure that if I can write about 3 chapters per month that I might just about finish book 2 in April, 2012. Things never go quite as planned, but I guess that I can hope to make this schedule. I did see also that I had actually begun writing book 1 around March or so of 2009. So in actuallity, it took a whole year to write. Book 2 I began to write I think back in September. So I've only been writing it for 2 months so far. (though my notes and thoughts on it have been planned even during my writing of book 1). We'll see how it goes.

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