Crazy Croatians

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Full of Turkey & Back to Worky

  Thanksgiving is past and Christmas is well on its way, as well as work. I haven't posted in about three weeks, mainly because I was so busy with my daytime job and with trying to finish my 2nd book of the trilogy. And the rough draft is completed, finally. It ran 21 chapters & is close to I think 120,000 words. Currently book 2 is 21 separate files--I did it that way for convenience sake. To me it's easier to keep track of everything that way when writing a book rather than putting it all together from the beginning. (Each chapter can almost be thought of as little separate stories in a way. Though they don't always make sense in that context-but sometimes they kinda do). At any rate, there's still a great deal to do to finish the book.
1> Copy all the separate chapters into one file--either word or openoffice, not sure atm. Here it need not be in the exact page format for the finished book yet.
2> Go through each chapter, one by one, reading them multiple times to make sure the story is exactly the way that I want it. Making small tweaks here & there. Editing & re-editing.
3> This done, copy the entire text into another new book file using the formatting that I want (accounting for margins, line spacing, etc.)
4> Create 1st-letter-graphic-icons = The 1st letter of each chapter is represented by a graphical icon that I create. I did this for the 1st paperback book too. You can't see it in Kindle version. I'll probably be able to use some of the ones I already made.
5> Create a map of the world of Wyrme. In book one I made a map of the Orb, which was the world where most of the story took place (it was an alien space vessel crash-landed on the moon). This will go near the beginning of the book.
6> Create a preliminary table of contents. This will also go at the beginning of the book. I can copy the same style used in book one.
7> Create a book cover. I've already created a preliminary cover for book two, but I've decided on some changes that will need to be made to it. This shouldn't take too long.
8> Put everything together: cover, table of contents, map of Wyrme, & the 21 chapters. The page numbers will be at the bottom of the pages again, as they were in book one & are actually not text, but rather graphics files inserted into the pages. They worked out great before & I already have them up through page 356, so that should just about cover me for book two as well.
9> That all done, re-read the book a few times to try & catch any errors. I embarrassingly caught a couple errors left in book one after it was already published (shh don't tell anyone where they are).
10> Hopefully with this finished it will be ready. All that needs to be done is to export it to PDF for submission to & for sale on like I did with book one.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Good Results

  This past weekend I hosted a 2-day free promo for my book Andy Brighton and the Dragons of Wyrme book one The Forsaken Orb, which can be found here:
 From what I've read posted by others my promo had pretty good results. There were close to 1,000 downloads of the Kindle book, and it ranked fairly high in the best-sellers rankings (it got up to about #250 on best-selling free Kindle books, #5 on best-selling fiction,fantasy,epic, and #11 on fiction, adventure). I'll have to wait and see if this results in actual sales.
  If others are interested in results like this I recommend looking at the blog post on June 20, 2012 on Victorine Lieske's blog at: for tips on having a succeesful book promo. I also recommend joining The Author Marketing Clug at: because they have many tools at your disposal for promoting your book & getting the word out on your free promos.
  I want to thank everyone who downloaded my Kindle book & took it as high as it went. I hope they all read it & love it & pass the word along to all their friends. Thanks so much,