Crazy Croatians

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Laptop Computers Are Cool

   Laptops, the portable variety of personal computers, have been a popular alternative to the larger and unportable desktops for several years. They serve an important role in our everyday lives because there are so many places we just can't take our PCs (traveling situations for instance, such as on planes or trains).
   Yes laptops are very handy these days, however, they do have some severe problems: they are usually more expensive than the PC counterparts while not usually providing quite as much 'horsepower' so to speak. By this I primarily mean graphics capabilities. And that will likely never change unless some incredible technology is invented.
   But perhaps a workaround that is already available can be used to circumvent these limitations. What I'm talking about is somehow connecting a PC graphics card to your laptop, making it as powerful, at least graphically, as a PC. Can this be accomplished you ask. Yes it can. I've seen two examples of this already, and I'm sure that more are on the way (considering how beneficial and demanded these will be for gamers who only have a laptop computer & can't afford to buy a new system for the better games coming out).

Example one: From = more expensive, although probably a bit better in the long run:
example two: From a company in China called = cheaper, but possibly not as well made:

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